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  • AI Chatbot

Gain several hours of time per week

and still be available 24/7 for your customers

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AI chatbot makes you a customer magnet in your industry

"The competitor simply offers better customer service..."

Perhaps you have heard this or similar statements from potential customers before, or maybe even made such a decision yourself in a personal context.

Let’s not kid ourselves - competition is tough in nearly every industry. Customers, clients, and patients have the freedom of choice. But how can you stand out from the very first interaction and meet the needs of your potential customers?


You are absolutely right to say that you and your team are barely keeping up with answering emails and questions, giving feedback, writing offers, recommending products, or scheduling appointments within a short amount of time.

The solution is quite obvious: AI, like ChatGPT, is on everyone's lips.
Why not use it for your business? With an AI chatbot on your website, you can gain more time in your daily business operations and simultaneously achieve a decisive market advantage.

As a business owner, you know that many customer questions are the same. Manually answering them costs a lot of time for relatively few results. How often do you, for example, have to determine your customer's tax classes as an accountant? How frequently are you asked what exactly falls under advertising costs? Or do you have an online shop and get asked about product variants?

Perhaps you are still unsure and undecided about AI in general? Or are you wondering which AI is the right fit for your needs?

Are you concerned that implementing and learning to work with AI might require much more time and resources than you initially thought?

How would it be if, in just one morning, you could

Save several hours per week,

Improve customer experience and optimise business operations

Strengthen customer loyalty and scale your business

Maximise your customer service?

The solution is an AI chatbot tailored to your company and the needs of your customers, integrated directly on your website.

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Stay miles ahead of your competition in just 3 steps:

  1. Send us your request.
  2. Relax while we train your AI chatbot.
  3. Experience how your new AI assistant saves you time and enjoy the feedback from your happy customers.
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Your Benefits at a Glance

Quick and easy setup

Relieves your employees

Increases customer satisfaction

Minimises costs

Enables scalability

Ensures neutrality

You offer 24/7 availability and rapid support

Provides valuable customer insights

Saves you several hours per week through automation and chatbot pre-selection

AI chatbots optimise and accelerate your processes by prioritising customer inquiries and autonomously forwarding them to customer service

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the setup take?

Ja, die Entwicklung und Einrichtung Deines KI-Chatbots kostet Dich gerade einmal x Stunden. Von Deiner Anfrage bis hin zur abgeschlossenen Installation Deines Chatbots vergehen in der Regel gerade einmal x Tage.

Is setting up the AI chatbot easy?

Yes, the creation and setup of your AI chatbot only takes a few hours. From your request until the completed installation of your chatbot, it usually takes just a few days.

Do I need prior technical knowledge?

Nein. Für die Integration des Bots brauchst Du keine Vorkenntnisse. Das erledigen wir für Dich. Kommst Du mit xy (mit was ist es vergleichbar? So einfach und klar wie z.B. Word oder Excel?)  klar? Dann ist auch die Bedienung eines Chatbots für Dich kein Thema.

Do I have to fill the chatbot with the information manually?

=> Hier brauche ich noch den Vorgang. Woher bekommt er die ersten Infos? Muss das System manuell gefüttert werden und lernt dann erst dazu?

Is support included?

Unser Support ist jederzeit für Dich erreichbar und natürlich inklusive.

Is the chatbot GDPR-compliant?

bitte klären

Which industries is the AI chatbot suitable for?

  • Rechtsberatung
  • Steuerberatung
  • Marketingagenturen
  • IT-Consulting
  • Personalvermittlung
  • Facility Management
  • Eventmanagement
  • Coaching & Training

Do you want more time for your core tasks? And at the same time provide even better care for your clients, customers, and patients?

Get a free consultation now.

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      Maria Krüger


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